Compressed Air Supercharging
Mark Griffin’s 68 Camaro

CAS 69 Camaro

Compressed Air Supercharging: Dramatic Power Gains and Outstanding Durability
The CAS Advantage
Forced induction of racing engines using turbocharging or supercharging has been successfully done for decades. Compare these technologies to Compressed Air Supercharging and it is obvious that the technology employed by CAS yields a power adder that is uniquely tailored to drag racing. Bluntly stated, "Compressed Air Supercharging will out power any other type of technology available, period".Very low charge temperatures
Decreased sensitivity to air/fuel ratio variations
Very high charge densities
Allows MBT ignition timing
Decreased sensitivity to fuel quality

The CAS System
The CAS System is a uniquely engineered set of components that Store, Meter and Control the Discharge of high pressure compressed air. We do not take a “one size fits all” approach to the development and application of systems. Each vehicle is unique in some respect, be it storage capacity requirements, packaging considerations or performance requirements.
To help ensure that CAS systems are optimally configured for each application, each of the three major functions (Storage, Metering and Control) are performed by a subset of components known as Modules. In turn each module can be tailored precisely to your vehicles’ requirements.
Prior to the selection and purchase of a CAS system it is important to thoroughly understand the basics of compressed air supercharging.
The information provided below should help you determine if Compressed Air Supercharging is right for you and your application.
To ensure that CAS compressed air supercharging systems are correctly matched to customer requirements, each CAS system is constructed from three main modules: Air Storage, Air Delivery and Boost Control. Each of these modules is configurable to ensure an optimized result.
Air storage
Air delivery
Boost control

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